How Exercise Does More Than Make You Healthy

Exercising is among the best ways to lose weight and get in shape. Everyone who begins a regime will quickly begin to see the changes it creates on their body and overall health. 

Little did they know, their mind would grow and develop along with their body. There are many ways that dedicating yourself to a fitness journey affects every area of your life. 

New Beginings

Deciding to make a change and acting on that is one of the biggest steps you can take in any new endeavor. It takes tons of courage and faith to do so. 

This is not only the first step of losing weight but also other life endeavors like starting a business. 

The first few months of any new practice can be extremely daunting. Getting accustomed to your commitment is a complete change in your daily life that takes some time to adjust to. As you put in the effort to show up even when you don’t want to, you teach yourself a new understanding of discipline that was not before realized. 

Pushing Past Your Limits

It is not an easy task to push yourself to physical and mental limits each day when you are still feeling sore and tired from the day before. Every day that you keep the promise to yourself of showing up, you are strengthening the habit and ingraining it into your lifestyle 

It takes immense amounts of will power to push yourself further each session in the gym. Grinding out that one extra rep that you couldn’t quite hit last time feels like the entire universe is about to implode around you. Once you make it through, the pain swoops away and you are filled with bliss and enjoyment of the newly reached accolade. 

In contrast, the same will power can be applied when working on a new business or hobby. Honing your skills and pushing them further every time you work on your craft is what will bring you to new levels.

Focus Focus FOcus

The amount of focus it takes to finish your workout without being distracted by the external environment and the thoughts in your mind instantly transfer into a real world skill. 

Resisting the urge to pick up your phone and scroll through social media must be defeated to have the best workout possible. Every sound you hear and person that walks by must be drowned out to divert all of your focus on contracting your muscles. 

Likewise, when getting through your work day there are many distractions like your phone and surfing the web that take you away from making the most out of your day. As you learn to put all of your focus on the task at hand, you will get more high-quality work done in less time. 

This can also be applied to something like a relationship. 

When you commit yourself to someone there can be many people that catch your eye, but it is important to keep yourself focused on the commitment you made. Drown out all of those distractions and put all of your focus on who is important to you. This will ensure the most growth and create the best experience possible.  

The long term commitment made to better yourself is a slow one, but the rewards are priceless. 

Strength Of A Warrior

No amount of money can grant you the physique and strength you earned through your years of hard work. The sense of accomplishment at the end of each year as you scroll back through your progress photos is one of the highest highs you can experience in this lifetime. 

This same mindset can be applied to all aspects of life from business to relationships. 

Success in all areas of life doesn’t come from one day of giving it your all but months and years of committing yourself to the future. There are many moments on the road where you feel like giving up but you continue to follow your dream trusting it will all pay off one day. 

Not only will you learn to put your trust in this slow process but you learn to love it. 

Pain becomes Pleasure

With every rep that burning pain in your muscles begins to become pleasure. The heavy breathing and pounding heart become a meditative trance where the entire universe slips away around you. You begin to look forward to waking up the next morning with sore muscles crippling your ability to move. 

When starting a new job or building a business, those parts of the day that you once dreaded slowly become something you look forward to. You see how the discomfort in certain moments is what leads you to your success, and you begin to chase that discomfort. 

Even in a relationship, the small things about your partner that used to annoy you become some of your favorite parts about them. You realize these small quirks are what make them different from everyone else.

FInal thoughts

So as you can see, all of this applies itself into many other aspects of life. 

The discipline needed to show on in the gym every day can be used to build up a new business or learn a skill. 

The willpower to push yourself a little further each day, making you one extra sale or writing one extra page. 

The focus it takes to get through your work day without being distracted by videos and ads on the internet.

 The commitment it takes to show up and keep trying to create your platform, believing it will one day make you a living even though you haven’t made a single cent yet. 

Falling in love with all the aspects you hated in the beginning like typing 100s of pages or talking with complaining customers. 

All of these invaluable lessons can be learned just from deciding to take a leap and change your life by losing some weight. Getting in shape and looking good are only two small side effects that exercise creates. 

As a wise man once said, If you improve your body, the mind will follow.

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