6 Powerful Ways To Start your Day For A Productive Life

Building yourself a powerful and effective morning routine is an essential part of creating the life you have always dreamed of. Simple changes and additions can kickstart your day with a boost of creativity and energy.

Perfecting your morning gets the momentum going to help you have a more productive and satisfying daily experience as well as enhance your life as a whole. Many high-level athletes and business professionals start their day off the same each morning in order to experience these benefits. Here are some simple ways you can do the same.

Wake Up Early

The first thing you have to do to start your day is, well, start your day. By starting your day early, you can experience increased energy levels and more motivation.

Not only does seeing that beautiful sunrise every morning motivate you, your body is internally designed to wake up early. In the early hours of the evening, your body releases melatonin to help make you sleepy and prepare for bed. As the sun comes up the light stimulates your brain and the production of melatonin ceases and the production of serotonin raises.

This is the basis of the regulation of the circadian rhythm. The circadian rhythm is your body’s internal clock that helps regulate your sleep schedule. Like they always say, the early bird gets the worm.

Make Your Bed

Everybody knows the first thing they should do each morning is make their bed. If you are not, you are missing out on the fastest hack that can have such a positive impact on your entire day. It is easy to underestimate the importance of this small task.

In Less than a minute upon waking, you can develop a great habit that sets you up for success. This is the beginning of the snowball of the rest of your day. You will instantly feel accomplished and you will continue the rest of your day trying to keep that productivity going. Not only will you feel good about yourself after, but your room will be neater.

You will also thank yourself at the end of the day when getting back to bed. This trick is a staple taught in the military to teach self-discipline and habit building.


Spending some time writing in a journal upon waking each morning can be a very powerful tool. What you write in this journal is entirely up to you. I recommend writing down your dreams from that night, how you feel, what you are grateful for, your goals for the day, and whatever else comes to mind. Spend some time envisioning the life you want to live and jot down any thoughts and ideas you have that can help you get there today.


Starting your day off with a session of meditation can be extremely useful for beginning your day on a positive note.

Meditation is proven to reduce stress levels and increase stress tolerance. It will also help you become more focused on the present moment and reduce unwanted thoughts and impulses. This can help you stay focused on your tasks for the day and get through whatever you need to do without the distractions of stress and worry.

Meditation also enhances creativity. This may be useful for working, or any hobbies you may enjoy. Meditate daily each morning upon waking for 10 minutes to an hour or even more to reap the benefits!

Breathing exercises are another great way you can try to achieve similar results. They can be incorporated into your meditation routine to get a bigger bang for your buck. Affirmations can also be incorporated into your meditation routine. This can help boost confidence, self-appreciation, and help let go of any negative thoughts and feelings.


Exercising is an essential component of having a unified mind and body to get the most joy out of your life. Getting your body moving first thing in the morning can be super beneficial especially for people who lose energy as the day goes on.

Knocking it out first thing will ensure you have no excuse to skip out later in the day. It will increase your mental alertness and get your blood flowing. Your testosterone is also at its highest in the morning which can help you feel stronger during your workouts.

Whether it is strength training, yoga, a walk, or a light jog, getting active in the morning will ensure a great start to the day.

Cold Showers

Cold showers in the morning will not only enhance your day but also your health. Upon first glance it may be a scary idea to but that is one of the greatest benefits.

Overcoming that fear and diving in head first helps you become more comfortable getting yourself into uncomfortable situations. As you relax into the bitterness of the cold, dopamine is released in the brain rewarding you for your courageous act.

The central nervous system strengthens and becomes more tolerant to the cold. Your immune system is boosted as well. Inflammation throughout the body will be reduced and your blood circulation is boosted. Cortisol will be reduced. The list of benefits is countless as one of the most beneficial practices on this list.

Nourishing Breakfast

Enjoying a hearty breakfast after accomplishing everything else on this list is great for your health and a perfect reward for completing your routine. Having something like a fruit smoothie, eggs, or a healthy cereal will not only support your nutritional needs, but fuel your muscles and body and mind. You can even try new creative recipes as a fun and creative way to start your day.

It is highly recommended that you do not look at your phone until getting through your routine. This will release you from the stress and compulsion that the phone tempts you with upon waking. Taking some time to just enjoy yourself rather than looking to the digital world each morning will keep you in greater control of your life.

Applying these tasks into your morning will completely change the course of the rest of your day. You can start by slowly adding any of these into your morning routine and watch one by one the great impact they have on your life!

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