8 Ways You Can Positively Impact Your Life RIGHT NOW

Spend Time in Nature

Spending time in nature is a great way to not only get some exercise but also clear your mind. Regularly taking time to be in the wilderness has many benefits that can positively impact your mental and physical health.

Your mood will lift and help reduce symptoms of depression. Energy levels will be boosted while stress and anxiety will be dramatically reduced. The walking you do will burn some calories and help you lose weight which has many health benefits of its own.

Take this time to let go of some thoughts and emotions that are bothering you. Brainstorm and set goals for your future. You may also use this time as a form of meditation and clear your mind by just soaking in the beautiful nature and focus on the present moment.

If you truly do not have any forests or trails near your home, taking a visit to a local park or walking near your home will be just as beneficial. Whether you use this time to hike through rugged mountains or just relax in a green pasture, reconnecting with nature is a vital part of being on Earth.


Everybody knows how important exercise is but many people struggle to get their self to take action.

Exercising just a few hours a week can help eliminate many of the health problems people face. Exercise improves muscle and bone strength, cardiovascular and respiratory health, increases longevity, and much more.

Not only does your body reap all of the benefits but your mind does as well. Reduced stress anxiety and depression, improvements in memory and sleep, and an overall higher quality of life are just some of the many benefits.

You can get started right now by doing some pushups or body squats while reading this! You do not always have to be at a gym lifting weights or running on treadmills, not everybody enjoys that. If that is not your thing, there are so many other ways you can get moving. Ride a bike, take some yoga classes, martial arts, swimming, kayaking, hiking, the list goes on and on. There are free online yoga classes, dance classes, and many other types of workouts you can do right now on YouTube.


Meditation is one of the most overlooked tools to strengthen your mind, body, and soul. At this very moment you can close your eyes and get started!

Just practicing a few minutes every day will create improvement in your cognitive function.

Meditation allows you to replace your negative and even positive thoughts with a neutral, balanced mind where you can make the conscious decision of what you want to think about. Better yet you can choose not think at all!

As you become more invested into the practice, you can increase the time you spend each day in meditation. 15-30 minutes is a sufficient amount of time to see the benefits and progress in the practice. More advanced meditators may spend an hour a day or even much longer in a lifelong quest to transcend the human experience. 

Learn a New Skill

There are not many better uses of your time than learning a new skill. Doing so can provide you with a new way to express your true self.

Not only does learning skills provide you with a new channel to transmute your energy, but also acts as a way to possibly generate income and connect with others who share similar interests and skill sets. The mental effects of learning skills can be increased focus, inner peace, euphoria, increased sense of purpose, and happiness.

Learning an instrument, a new language, gardening, writing, painting, drawing is just some of many examples. You can even learn more business-oriented skills like advertising or communication. Though, with the right idea you can make a business out of any skill. Look into the many different categories of skills like art, language, fitness, science, math, to see where you can specialize in these fields.

Who knows, you might end up with your dream job by doing so! There are plenty of free guides and tutorials online as well as books on all kinds of subjects to help you get started.

Read a Book

Reading books is something that everyone knows they should be doing but many never get around to. It doesn’t require as much time as people think to get a good read in.

Reading just 10 pages a night will get you through a 300-page book in a month. That can add up to about 12 books a year with minimal daily commitment.

I find the best time to read is an hour before bed. Turn off all electronics for this period each night, get nice and cozy, and read.

There are so many different kinds of books you can read like informational, fiction, nonfiction, biographies. I prefer to spend my time reading books that can help me grow and learn more about topics I would like to become knowledgeable in. This includes personal development, spirituality, and informational books about skills I would like to learn more about.

Reading just about anything will help you become more focused, expand your vocabulary and knowledge, give you a sense of accomplishment, and can help you connect with others on topics of similar interest.


Humans are a species that require social interaction to keep our mind healthy. Socialization is also an important aspect of growing our society.

Without spending time socializing it becomes harder to relate to and empathize with others. Doing so will increase your confidence, enhance your speaking ability, and give you a greater sense of purpose as you discover more about others and even yourself.

Whether or not you already have peers in your life to interact with, it is important to expand your circle and meet new people that contribute to your life in a positive way. 

Try joining clubs, or attending meetups to put yourself out there and meet people with similar hobbies and interest. You may even meet the love of your life by doing so!

 Even if you struggle with human interaction in person, online chatrooms and groups can be a great way to meet and connect with others. You can find many groups of interest right now on sites like Facebook, Discord, and Reddit.

As you go about your day-to-day experience, do not be afraid to speak with people you come across. Many would like to speak to someone new just as much as you would. Others may not be in the mood to talk, and that is okay. Do not let this impact you negatively, as this is most likely not something personal.

Dance to Some Music

Putting on some of your favorite tunes and jamming out is an incredible way to let the energy inside of you flow freely. It is such a liberating feeling to let all of your emotions and energy be expressed into the form of dance and movement.

This can leave you feeling creative, motivated, energetic, and euphoric. Stored tension and stress in the body is released and your overall happiness and well-being is increased. It may also help you take yourself less seriously so you can allow yourself to enjoy life more. The benefits can be felt instantly, but spending just 5-10 minutes every day or every few days will help ensure your energy is continuously flowing freely. This can also be great way to burn some calories as well and get your blood flowing before a workout!

I enjoy putting on a good tribal rhythm with drums and flutes and embracing my primal nature.


Everybody wants someone to tell them how much they love them and give them compliments. But when we don’t have that we sometimes we forget we have ourselves to do so.

Each day take some time to look in the mirror and tell yourself everything you love about you. Look yourself right in the eyes and say I love you, I love your eyes, I love your hair. I love your personality, you are strong, you are beautiful. Anything positive you can think of. Even tell yourself some of your goals. Tell yourself that you will have your dream job, that you will live in the house you have always wanted, have the family you have always wanted, have the health and abundance you have always wanted.

This practice will help you attract and manifest all of the goals and feelings you deserve and make them a reality. This will increase your feeling of self-worth and make you feel more comfortable with who you are. You will increase your confidence and reduce your stress and anxiety.  It can be silly and uncomfortable at first, but take this time seriously as it is a great way to train your mind and soul to attract the future you deserve.

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