Health and Wellness Consulting


Take your first step in a new direction towards a happier and healthier future

Life Changing Results, Efficiently And Effectively

Health and wellness is the forefront of creating the life that you have always imagined for yourself. It takes an immense amount of strength, energy, and focus to build a future of you are proud of. We help you facilitate the transformation necessary to exist in a reality you love.


  • Build muscle, strength, and discipline in as little as one hour per week
  • Custom work out program designed for you to get you the best results in the places you need it most
  • No gym membership, no problem! We will teach you how you can exercise at home, outside, or anywhere. 


  • Reach your weight goals with ease while eating whatever you would like
  • Custom weight loss plan tailored to your personal wants and needs
  •  Increase physical and mental performance to give yourself the extra edge while working towards your future


  • Lower and manage your stress and anxiety using our easy to follow system
  • Learn how you can prevent illness and disease from plaguing your life
  • Think, feel, and be your best at all times by learning new ways to improve your health and wellness today
Some of The Many Ways


Extend Lifespan and Longevity

Live a longer life of high quality, slowing down and even reversing the wear and tear of aging

Increase Energy Levels

Get through your day without the need for naps and caffeine

Build Muscle

Achieve the body of your dreams in as little as one hour a week

Build Confidence

Become more confident in every aspect of life from your career to relationships

Reduce Stress and Anxiety

Remove the stress and anxiety holding you back from achieving your goals

Lose Weight

Effortlessly lose weight without giving up the foods you love

Some of The Many Ways


Extend Lifespan and Longevity

Live a longer life of high quality, slowing down and reversing the wear and tear of aging

Increase Energy Levels

Get through your day without the need for naps and caffeine

Build Muscle

Achieve the body of your dreams in as little as one hour a week

Build Confidence

Become more confident in every aspect of life from your career to relationships

Reduce Stress and Anxiety

Remove the stress and anxiety holding you back from achieving your goals

Lose Weight

Effortlessly lose weight without giving up the foods you love

Meet Your Coach – Christian Heidt

Certified Personal Trainer, Nutrition Specialist, and Health Consultant by the International Sports Sciences Association

“Do one small thing to better yourself each day and in in a year you will be 365 times better than where you were!”

My health and wellness journey began in 2015. I was overweight with abnormal blood test results, and my mental health was in shambles. At the time I engaged in many unhealthy habits and thinking patterns. I had no goals and no direction of where I wanted my life to go. I knew I was the only person that could change that, but I was not sure how.

The first and most important step I took was joining the local gym. My physical fitness journey lead me to having a body I could have only dreamed of. I gained tons of confidence and a greater appreciation for myself. Yet, it felt something was still missing.

Over the next several years I spent much of my time researching and experimenting with different techniques that may help. Through trial and error and many highs and lows, I dropped many old habits, behavioral patterns, and limiting beliefs, replacing them with new ones. I am proud to say I am in the best internal and external state of my life!

I am excited to hear from you so we can learn and grow from each other as I guide you into a new chapter of your life!


On my journey, I have discovered so much about myself. I have lost a combined total of over 150 pounds, all while learning about my morals, values, and passions. One of those passions is helping others.

This is one of the many reasons I have created this platform and began consulting. There is nothing that excites me more than helping someone become the person they want to be and seeing their journey unfold.

I want to share with you the many ways I have transformed my life so you can apply them to your own. I have developed my own techniques, theories, and system that can benefit anyone as soon as today. This way you won’t have to go through the trial and error process like I did!

55lb Difference in 7 Months!

As Your Coach You Can Expect Me to:

Help you set short and long term goals, and create a plan of action to accomplish them

Hold you accountable for making progress towards your goals

Design and guide you through a personal diet and exercise routine

Teach you my secrets to becoming the healthiest version of yourself



“My experience with Christian’s training has been nothing but the best. He has made losing weight an easy experience with his knowledge of exercise, diet, and daily health habits. Through his program I have become stronger and healthier than I have ever been in my life. I gained the confidence to level up in my career and my dating life has seen many improvements.  I have more energy to spend time doing what makes me happy, and I couldn’t be more thankful!” -Joe



Book Your FREE Consultation Call Today!

Our program may not be for everyone, but it may be for you! The most successful clients are those who are coachable, and willing to put in the necessary effort to transform their life. Our system is simple to follow but you must stay focused to be successful. Book Your call today and see if our program is right for you!